Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.

Novak Landscaping Inc.

Category | Landscaping Membership Level | Small Business

Contact: Heidy Novak

601 Dundas St. E
Waterdown, L8B 0G7
ON, Canada

Phone: 905-317-6002


Nahanni Steel Products Inc.

Category | Metal Stamping for Automotive and Metal Roofing Membership Level | Large Business

Contact: Sebastijan Zupanec

38 Deerhurst Drive
Brampton, L6T 5R8
ON, Canada

Phone: (905) 791 2100 ext 213


NoviStream Ltd.

Category | Real Estate Membership Level | Small Business

Contact: Jason Gorel

75 Westglen Crescent
Etobicoke, M9B 4R2
ON, Canada

Phone: 416-620-9686

Mobile Phone: 416-938-2666
