Business Directory

Here is a directory of businesses and professionals that are owned by Slovenians or employ Slovenians. Please consider using their services and let them know that you saw their listing in this directory.

Public Cultural Institution Delavski Dom Trbolje

Category | Art, Creative Technology, Culture Membership Level | Non-Profit Organization

Contact: Dr. Maša Jazbec

Trg Svobode 11a
Trbovlje, 1420
Zasavje, Slovenia

Phone: 011-386-03563-3481

Mobile Phone: +386(0)6817 5900


Prevent & Deloza d.o.o.

Category | Protective Apparel/Textiles Membership Level | Large Business

Contact: Bostjan Marolt

kosova ulica 14
Celje, 3000
Slovenia, Slovenia

Phone: +386 3428 0850

Mobile Phone: +386 4167 4645


PowerKure Solutions Ltd

Category | energy, power, Power Quality and Energy Savings Membership Level | Individual / Sole Proprietor

Contact: Milan Ferletic

812 Ridge Road
Stoney Creek, L8J 2Y8 
Ontario, Canada

Phone: 905-643-3076
